Welcome to Emmanuel UCC Dorrance   |   7768 Blue Ridge Trail   |   Mountain Top Pa 18707   |   570-868-5675

Come hear our candidate preach on January 8th!

Dear Friends,
The Search Committee has been working hard
these past many months to find a pastor that would be
the right fit for our congregation. We reviewed many
ministerial profiles looking for the candidate that God
put in our path, and through prayer and unanimous
consent, we found him in Pastor Louis Aita. On Monday,
November 21st, the Search Committee presented Pastor
Lou to the Consistory and he received unanimous
Pastor Lou grew up in the McAdoo area and
comes to us with 15 years of Pastoral experience,
having served as organist and assistant minister at Faith
UCC in Hazleton, and most recently with the Nuremberg
Charge as the head minister for three churches,
Emmanuel UCC in Nuremberg, Trinity UCC in Rock Glen,
and St. Peter’s Union Church in Beaver Valley. Pastor
Lou’s life story is nothing less than amazing, and we will
share it with you in the weeks to come.
The next step in the process is to get your
approval. On Sunday, January 8th you will have the
opportunity to worship with Pastor Lou as he leads
our service. This a change from the date announced
during service this past Sunday. Immediately following
worship, a congregational meeting will be held where
all members in good standing of Emmanuel UCC will
vote on our candidate, who we hope will be our new
pastor. We urge you to attend service on January 8th
and share in this important decision.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. — Matthew 24:35 (NASV)

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